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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Crew Master Building Maintenance Est. (CMBM) recognizes that risk is inherent in all business operations, and that effective risk management is critical to the success of the organization. To this end, we have established an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) policy to identify, assess, mitigate and monitor risks that could impact the achievement of our strategic objectives.

Policy Statement: 

The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the identification, assessment, management, and monitoring of risks across all areas of the organization. 


  1. To promote a culture of risk awareness and management across the organization.
  1. To identify and assess potential risks that could impact the achievement of our strategic objectives.
  1. To prioritize risks based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence.
  1. To implement controls and mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of identified risks.
  1. To monitor and review the effectiveness of risk management strategies and adjust them as necessary.


This policy applies to all areas of the organization, including but not limited to, operations, finance, human resources, information technology, and facilities management.

Risk Management Framework:

  1. Risk Identification: All employees are responsible for identifying risks in their areas of work and reporting them to their supervisor. Risks can also be identified through regular risk assessments, internal audits, and external reviews.
  1. Risk Assessment: Identified risks are assessed for their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. The assessment considers the nature, extent, and complexity of the risk and its potential impact on the achievement of strategic objectives.
  1. Risk Prioritization: Risks are prioritized based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. High priority risks are those with a high potential impact and a high likelihood of occurrence.
  1. Risk Mitigation: Mitigation strategies are developed to minimize the impact of identified risks. These strategies may include the implementation of controls, policies, procedures, and training.
  1. Risk Monitoring: The effectiveness of risk management strategies is monitored and reviewed regularly. This includes tracking the status of risk mitigation plans, reviewing risk assessments, and conducting periodic risk assessments.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. The Board of Directors is responsible for approving the ERM policy and ensuring that it is effectively implemented.
  1. The Executive Management team is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the ERM policy and ensuring that it is integrated into all areas of the organization.
  1.  All employees are responsible for identifying and reporting risks in their areas of work and implementing risk mitigation strategies. 
  1. The Risk Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the ERM policy and providing guidance and support to employees.


Effective risk management is critical to the success of Crew Master Building Maintenance Est. (CMBM). By implementing a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management policy, we are able to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor risks that could impact the achievement of our strategic objectives. Through the commitment of our employees and the support of our management team, we are confident that we can effectively manage risks and achieve our goals.

Training and Communication:

Crew Master Building Maintenance Est. (CMBM) is committed to providing its employees with the necessary training and resources to effectively implement the ERM policy. All employees receive training on the policy, including their roles and responsibilities, as well as the process for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks. Regular communication and feedback channels are also established to ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the policy and are able to raise any concerns or issues.

Risk Management Culture:

CMBM aims to cultivate a risk-aware culture throughout the organization. This involves promoting a proactive approach to risk management and encouraging employees to identify and report potential risks. Additionally, risk management is integrated into all areas of the organization’s operations and decision-making processes, ensuring that risk considerations are taken into account when planning and implementing activities.

Continuous Improvement:

CMBM is committed to continuously improving its risk management practices. The effectiveness of the ERM policy is regularly reviewed and evaluated, and adjustments are made as necessary. Additionally, CMBM keeps abreast of emerging risks and trends in the industry and adjusts its risk management strategies accordingly.


CMBM is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to risk management. Additionally, CMBM adheres to relevant industry standards and best practices in risk management.


The Enterprise Risk Management policy is a critical component of Crew Master Building Maintenance Est.’s (CMBM) operations. It ensures that the organization is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risks that could impact the achievement of its strategic objectives. Through training, communication, and the development of a risk-aware culture, CMBM is able to effectively manage risks and continuously improve its risk management practices. CMBM is committed to complying with all relevant laws and regulations related to risk management and adheres to industry best practices. 

By implementing the ERM policy, CMBM is able to enhance its resilience and agility in the face of potential risks. The policy allows the organization to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to manage risks, which ultimately helps to protect the organization’s reputation and financial stability.

CMBM recognizes that risk management is an ongoing process, and the organization remains committed to continuously improving its risk management practices. By staying up-to-date with emerging risks and trends in the industry, CMBM is able to adapt its risk management strategies and maintain its position as a leader in the facility management and property maintenance industry.

In conclusion, CMBM’s Enterprise Risk Management policy is a critical component of the organization’s operations. By implementing the policy, CMBM is able to identify, assess, and mitigate risks that could impact the achievement of its strategic objectives. Through training, communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement, CMBM is able to effectively manage risks and maintain its position as a trusted and reliable service provider for all properties in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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