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Quality, Health, Safety, and Environmental (QHSE)

At Crew Master Building Maintenance Est. (CMBM), we are committed to providing safe and healthy work environments for all employees, subcontractors, and visitors. We recognize that quality, health, safety, and environmental (QHSE) considerations are critical to our operations and the success of our business. To this end, we have developed a QHSE policy that outlines our commitment to QHSE and provides a framework for the implementation of QHSE initiatives throughout our organization.


At CMBM, we are committed to delivering high-quality services to our clients. We maintain a quality management system that is compliant with ISO 9001:2015 standards and ensure that all employees are trained on our quality management system and their role in delivering high-quality services. We continuously monitor and measure our performance to ensure that we are meeting our quality objectives and identify opportunities for improvement.

Health and Safety: 

CMBM is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, subcontractors, and visitors. We maintain a health and safety management system that is compliant with OHSAS 18001:2007 standards and ensure that all employees are trained on our health and safety management system and their role in maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. We continuously monitor and measure our health and safety performance to identify and mitigate potential hazards and risks.


CMBM recognizes the impact that our operations can have on the environment and is committed to minimizing our environmental footprint. We maintain an environmental management system that is compliant with ISO 14001:2015 standards and ensure that all employees are trained on our environmental management system and their role in minimizing our environmental impact. We continuously monitor and measure our environmental performance to identify opportunities for improvement and reduce our environmental footprint.


CMBM is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards related to QHSE. We regularly review and update our QHSE policies and procedures to ensure that we remain compliant with all relevant requirements.

Continuous Improvement: 

CMBM is committed to continuously improving our QHSE practices. We regularly review and evaluate our QHSE performance and make adjustments to our policies and procedures as necessary. We also seek feedback from employees, clients, and other stakeholders to identify opportunities for improvement.


CMBM’s QHSE policy is a critical component of our operations. It reflects our commitment to providing high-quality services, maintaining safe and healthy work environments, minimizing our environmental footprint, and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. By maintaining QHSE management systems and continuously monitoring and measuring our QHSE performance, we are able to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure that our QHSE practices remain aligned with our strategic objectives.

To implement our QHSE policy, CMBM has established a QHSE department responsible for the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of our QHSE management systems. The QHSE department reports directly to senior management to ensure that our QHSE practices are aligned with our strategic objectives.

We ensure that all employees, subcontractors, and visitors are aware of our QHSE policies and procedures and are trained on their roles and responsibilities related to QHSE. We also conduct regular QHSE audits and inspections to monitor compliance and identify opportunities for improvement.

In addition, CMBM encourages an open and transparent reporting culture. We have established a QHSE reporting system that allows employees and subcontractors to report incidents, near-misses, and other QHSE-related concerns. We investigate and respond to all reports promptly and take corrective action as necessary.

CMBM also regularly engages with clients and other stakeholders to understand their QHSE expectations and requirements. We strive to exceed these expectations by continuously improving our QHSE practices and implementing best practices in the industry.

In conclusion, our QHSE policy is a fundamental component of our operations and reflects our commitment to providing high-quality services, maintaining safe and healthy work environments, minimizing our environmental footprint, and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. By implementing QHSE management systems and continuously monitoring and measuring our QHSE performance, we are able to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure that our QHSE practices remain aligned with our strategic objectives.

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